I actually ended up buying your Know Fear seminar and Cerebral Self Defense soon after you first recommended them to me.
They've both been extremely helpful, life changing so, in fact.
My relationships with my loved ones have improved, I'm less anxious generally and more able to handle fear and stress when they come into my life, I feel more prepared for violent encounters and more confident in myself.
I feel less overwhelmed and consumed by emotional inertia, and more empowered and capable.
I've been recommending your courses and podcast all over the place.
I wholeheartedly believe that your teachings can and will change the fate of the human race.
I also believe that when we transform into more courageous, more authentic, vulnerable and capable versions of ourselves, we become the kind of people who can stand up for what is right and true, and fight back against malevolence and tyranny.
We can create deeper more meaningful relationships with ourselves and our loved ones, experience more of life, and manifest our greatest potential selves in the World, ultimately making it a better place for generations to come.
Honestly, I think we are blessed to have you, in this World.